Appendix B: The VUW Campus

[APPENDIX A: A MOO Session] [APPENDIX C: Online Help] [Back to Main Paper]

Since VUW is a text based environment, it is possible to capture a "snapshot" of the geography of VUW. Though the following samples of the VUW geography are static, they express some of the sense of the world in which users move and interact.

1) Entrance to Campus
2) Bus Stops
3) Roadway to Conference Building
4) Entrance to Conference Building
5) Conference Building
6) Recreation Area: University Plaza
7) Student Housing
8) Student Housing Roadways

1) This is the beginning of the main campus. Students first see this screen when moving towards Hagey Hall for class discussions.

______< Ring Road -- Southern Intersection >_______________
You're on the main road that encircles most of the buildings on campus. You can follow it the full length of VUW's perimeter. Most of the Arts buildings are on the western side of campus, while Maths, Sciences, and Engineering areprimarily on the east. On the northern horizon the thick square Arts library looms over the rest of campus. Off to the side of the road is a small bus shelter with a cardboard sign taped to it that reads: INFOTECH interview bus departs here. Type `enter' to get to the bus shelter.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Contents: Objects and People---

---Available Exits---
<south> to Outside VUW Information Kiosk
<west> to Ring Road South
<enter> to Ring Road South Bus Stop

2) This is one of five bus stops which allow students to navigate through VUW more quickly. Busses carry students between campus, student housing, and the plaza, and allow them to travel to Toronto for an automated interview.

______< Ring Road South Bus Stop >_______________
You are standing under typical plexiglass and steel bus stop. If you are waiting to catch a bus, don't worry, one should be here soon. Type 'board bus' to get on once it arrives. If you have just arrived, type 'out' to leave the bus shelter. Type `route' to see which bus goes where; `map' shows the general VUW geography. Students with interviews at INFOTECH should take the White Bus to Union Station.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<out> to Ring Road -- Southern Intersection

3) This series shows a student walking to Hagey Hall. The student's movements are in bold type.

______< Ring Road South >_______________
The road rests at the bottom of a little valley here. A large hill rises to the south, and a smaller one lines the road to the north.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<east> to Ring Road -- Southern Intersection
<west> to Ring Road -- South of Hagey Hall

go west

______< Ring Road -- South of Hagey Hall >_______________
The picturesque road continues to the east and west of here. North, a wide drive curves behind a group of tall fir trees.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<east> to Ring Road South
<west> to Ring Road South
<north> to Hagey Hall Main Drive

go north

______< Hagey Hall Main Drive >_______________
A large asphalt driveway meets Ring Road here. Tall pine trees line the drive as it curves up a hill north-west to Hagey Hall. The building is tall, and red, and impressive.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<south> to Ring Road -- South of Hagey Hall
<north-west> to Hagey Hall Main Drive

go northwest

______< Hagey Hall Main Drive >_______________
This is the middle of a large asphalt driveway. Just north, one of the wings of Hagey Hall juts out towards the drive. There are no windows on the red brick wall. South-east leads down to Ring Road.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<south-east> to Hagey Hall Main Drive
<north-west> to Hagey Hall Front Entrance

go northwest

______< Hagey Hall Front Entrance >_______________
A wonderful example of architectural monumentalism looms in front of you. Hagey Hall is constructed entirely out of dark brown bricks. Three great wooden double doors provide the only break in the surface of the building. The main driveway that leads up to Hagey Hall circles around a large pine tree, providing a return route to Ring Road. A formal sign to the left of the doors meets you at about eye level, off to the side of the driveway sits a small bus shelter, and to the north the doors lead into the building.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<south-east> to Hagey Hall Main Drive
<enter> to Hagey Hall Bus Stop
<north> to Just Inside Hagey Hall

4) This is the entrance to Hagey Hall, the main meeting building for academic discussions.

______< English 210e Receiving Hall >_______________
A heavy woven banner here reads ***ENGLISH 210E***. The place looks clean and brand new. Some writing underneath the banner reads, `Please be advised that you are now in a formal academic setting. While using the facilities of Hagey Hall, show the respect and seriousness you would in any classroom setting. Discussions, activity, and behaviour not specifically relevant to English 210e are restricted to off-campus. Hagey Hall is reserved explicitly as an area for learning, academic pursuits, and academic discussions'. A welcoming long hallway leads north. A strange portal leads back out to the south.

---Available Exits---
<portal> to Hagey Hall Front Entrance
<north> to Conference Hall Foyer

5) The following rooms show the conference hallway, an area for topical academic discussions.


______< The Conference Hall >_______________
You are at the beginning of a very long hallway. To the north you can see that doors line the hallway. Each door leads to a separate discussion room, one for each Module and one for each Tutorial on the course. These rooms serve as informal student forums for interaction on course-related topics. West is a large archway leading to a special room reserved for discussion of the entire course of English 210e in general. You can also choose to go directly to any room by simply typing the name of the topic. Available topic-destinations are: Resume, Letter, Manual, Online, Report, Style, Standards, Audience, Form, Usability, Graphics, and Design. To go to the Resume Discussion Room, for instance, type "resume".

---Available Exits---
<south> to Just Inside Hagey Hall
<north> to Hallway -- Outside `Resume'
<west> to English 210e General Forum


______< English 210e General Forum >_______________
A large conference room that looks like it would fit a huge amount of people. People come here to discuss issues on the course in general. There are several bulletin boards here students can use to make others aware of their feelings, concerns, and opinions about the course. Discussions very specifically related to a particular module or tutorial should be held down the hallway just east of here.

---Contents: Objects and People---
You see Suggestions Board [0 notes] and Comments Board [2 notes] here.

---Available Exits---
<east> to Conference Hall Foyer

look at board

An ordinary cork bulletin board. Type `help board' for instructions on how to use it. Please use this board to make public comments about any aspect of the course, from its form to its content. Use email or MOO mail for more privacy. There are the following notes posted here:

1 Note from Fabian re: Cool!
2 Note from Ali re: group project

To read a note, type READ # ON BOARD (where # is the message number).

read 2 on board

Note from Ali re: group project

Hi. My name is Saba Ali. For the group assignments I'm still looking for people interested in working together. I have general computer experience and a strong willingness to learn and experiment, but you @abort

<end of text>


______< Resume Discussion Room >_______________
You are in a comfortable conference room. The topic of discussion here is the Resume Module. As well as live conversation, this room provides a place for more thought out interaction about the Resume Module via a large bulletin board. You may read it by typing 'look at board' and you may post notes on it by using your note pad. For board and note pad assistance, type 'help board'.

---Contents: Objects and People---
You see Resume Module Discussion Board [1 note] here.

---Available Exits---
<east> to Hallway -- Outside `Resume'

An ordinary cork bulletin board. Type `help board' or `quickhelp board' for instructions on how to use it. Type `post' to quickly create a message and post it.

6) The following show scenes of University Plaza, a recreation area for students. (In the café, Connie is an automated robot.


______< South End of Plaza >_______________
You are at the southern end of a large, glass-enclosed hallway. It is very light and open here. You can see the surround areas through the glass walls. The hallway continues to the north and exits to the south . There is a cafe to the west and you see the scrabble viewing gallery to the east.

---Available Exits---
<north> to Middle of Plaza
<south> to University Shops Plaza Entrance
<east> to Scrabble Gallery
<west> to The Blue Wren Cafe


______< The Blue Wren Cafe >_______________
A typical cafe with lots of tables and chairs and coffee and little nibbles. To the north is the open-air courtyard for the cafe and the the garden and the Plaza is to the east.

---Contents: Objects and People--
You see Connie here.

---Available Exits---
<north> to South End of Garden
<east> to South End of Plaza

Connie walks up to you and says, "Hi, can I get you anything?"


______< Middle of Garden >_______________
This area has been set aside as a natural place to relax. There are various shrubs, trees, plants and flowers scattered about. It is very peaceful here. The garden continues to the north and south. The plaza is to the east. It is freezing cold out here. The setting sun is easily seen. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<north> to North End of Garden
<east> to North End of Plaza


______< Uncle Bill's Penny Arcade >_______________
This room is full of old arcade games, each one playable for a penny. The Plaza is visible thorugh the western half of the southern wall and the black sheep bar is reachable through a door in the eastern end of the southern wall.

---Contents: Objects and People---
You see EZ-Matic Button Maker and The Claw Game here.

---Available Exits---
<southeast> to The Black Sheep Bar
<southwest> to East End of Plaza


______< The Martorano Brothers' House of Cards >_______________
There are several tables scattered around the room for poker, blackjack, gin and other card games. A door to the north leads to The Black Sheep Bar and another door leads into the Games Room to the west.

---Available Exits---
<north> to The Black Sheep Bar
<west> to Game Room

---Contents: Objects and People---
A deck of cards is here.

7) Student housing consists of four template houses (one facing each compass direction) duplicated and customized a number of times. The following shows a typical south-facing student house.


______< University Ave East >_______________
A wide north-heading arc in the avenue leads eastward down a long hill into a settlement of student houses. Just off the street to the north runs a walkway leading up to a 1950's style house which has been converted into a student residence. West the avenue continues eventually up to the crest of a hill.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<west> to University Ave East
<north> to Front of 100 University Ave
<north-east> to University Ave East


______< 100 University Ave -- Front Walkway >_______________
A gray cement sidewalk here leads to a typical southern-Ontario house which has been converted into a student dormatory. North is the front door.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<north> to Entrance Hallway
<north-east> to East Side Yard
<north-west> to West Side Yard
<south> to University Ave East


______< West Side Yard >_______________
A narrow passage on the west side of the house. There's a low window that provides a view into the house.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<south-east> to Front of 100 University Ave
<north-east> to Back Yard


______< Back Yard >_______________
Just north of a large student house, this yard is quite spacious. A couple of maple trees in the corners of the yard tower over the house.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<south-west> to West Side Yard
<south-east> to East Side Yard


enter house

You open the front door.

______< Entrance Hallway >_______________
The house's main foyer looks quite spartan. A bland gray carpet runs its length. The hallway leads north, then ends in two doorways. An open archway to the east connects the hall to a lounge. A white door leads west and the front door leads out to the south.

---Available Exits---
<west> to H. Clements' Room
<south> to Front of 100 University Ave
<east> to Common Room
<north> to Residence Hallway

You close the front door.


______< H. Clements' Room >_______________
A comfortable if small and rather sparse room. Apparently, its owner hasn't had the time to do much in the way of interior decoration. A sheet of paper pinned to the wall says, `Welcome to VUW! Type @tutorial or `help' for instructions on getting started.' A white framed window provides a view to the west and a white door leads out to the east.

There's a simple single bed against the west wall.

---Contents: Objects and People---
You see VUW Student Bulletin Board [0 notes] here.

Heather is here.

---Available Exits---
<east> to Entrance Hallway


______< Residence Hallway >_______________
This short hallway ends abruptly here. A white door leads west and a pine door leads north.

---Available Exits---
<south> to Entrance Hallway
<west> to K. Ansell's Room
<north> to R. Clough's Room


______< Common Room >_______________
This is a comfortable room for house-mates to get together and chat, lounge about, and discuss their courses. A large bay window faces east.

A very large green couch rests against the south wall.

---Contents: Objects and People---
You see Common Room Bulletin Board [2 notes] here.

---Available Exits---
<west> to Entrance Hallway
<up> to the Top of the Stairs

8) The houses in VUW are linked by a network of roads based roughly on the uptown area of the real city of Waterloo (with street name changes). The following displays moving through an area of those streets.


______< Intersection of University Ave and Southam Street >_______________
This is the main intersection in the student housing area. The area is filled with tall old trees and different types of houses. The entire area seems to have once been a family neighbourhood, but now it is filled with students. Southam Street leads both north and south. University Avenue leads both east (into housing) and west (towards campus). There's a bus stop just off to the side of the intersection that provides access to rapid transit.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<west> to University Ave East
<north> to Southam St. North
<south> to Southam St. South
<east> to University Ave East
<enter> to Student Housing Bus Stop

go north

______< Southam Street North >_______________
A long, bustling little street with huge maple trees lining both sides. East looks onto the side of a house that faces University Ave to the south, while west leads up a pathway to a handsome looking, though small, brick house. Southam Street continues to the north.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<south> to University Ave. & Southam St.
<north> to Southam St. North
<west> to Front of 56 Southam St.

go north

______< Southam Street North >_______________
The street rises gently up a hill here. Work seems to have been recently completed on a large house to the east. To the north the street leads into an intersection.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<south> to Southam St. North
<east> to 57 Southam St. -- Front Porch
<north> to Southam St. N. & Houghton St.


_____< University Avenue East >_______________
The asphalt of the road here looks recently laid, and the signs of construction abound. The area seems to be expanding in order to accomodate the growing student housing suburb of VUW. Houses meet the street both north and south of here.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<west> to University Ave -- East of Cedar
<north> to Front of 114 University Ave.
<south> to Front of 113 University Ave East


______< Cedar Street South >_______________
The street runs south from here into more housing, and north into a large intersection. A large brand new looking house rises up from the road to the east. West you can see into a large green space that looks like a park.

It's quite chilly. The setting sun is obscured by low-hanging clouds. There is a light breeze wafting in.

---Available Exits---
<south> to Cedar Street South
<north> to University Ave. & Cedar St.
<east> to 150 Cedar Street -- Front Porch