;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: Hamsterdam -*- (in-package :hamsterdam) ;;; Note that there is no initialization here of the Hamsterdam microworld per se. ;;; WITH-GLOBAL-BUFFERS-AND-SOCKET, called by RUN-HAMSTERDAM, will initialize ;;; the network connection, and everything else that is required for microworld ;;; initialization happens on the C side of the link. (defun INIT-EVERYTHING () (schema::clear-item-class-cache) (initialize-schema-mechanism)) ;;;; Toplevel functions. (def-microworld-toplevel SCHEMA::RUN-HAMSTERDAM ; In SCHEMA: because that's usually my reader package, rather than some particular microworld. *number-of-actions* 'init-everything #'ignore #'ignore ; No Hamsterdam status-reporting or clock-tick functions. :log-name-prefix-default "hamster-" :run-wrapper-form with-global-buffers-and-socket) (defun SCHEMA::SAVE-HAMSTERDAM (&optional (comment "")) (snapshot-world-state #'ignore comment)) ; There's no way to save the Hamsterdam state, but at least allow the schema state to be saved. (defun SCHEMA::RESTORE-HAMSTERDAM (&optional snapshot) (restore-world-state #'ignore snapshot)) ; Ditto for restoration. ;;; End of file.