;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: Schema -*- ;;;; Support for chaining towards goals, in the absence of goal-directed actions. ;;; This includes building a digraph of all schema connections, searching the digraph ;;; in various ways, and generating a list of actions to be used in running the ;;; animation. (in-package :schema) ;;;; Building a digraph of which schemas "imply" which others. ;;; For the discussion below, the term "relevant schema" implies a schema that fits at ;;; least the criteria of being in the right numerical range (used to simulate earlier ;;; stages of knowledge, when required, because schemas are added in order of ;;; invention), and being of at least the requisite reliability (presumably at least ;;; medium, and maybe high). Additional requirements may be added in some ;;; particular run. ;;; The general idea is to function like a depth-first, mark-sweep GC. We build a ;;; root set of all relevant schemas with null contexts and non-null results. (Such ;;; schemas must be at the start of any chain, since, with null contexts, they cannot ;;; be chained to.) For each root object, we traverse the set of all relevant, ;;; non-null-context schemas. If we find a relevant, unmarked schema whose ;;; context chains from the result of the root object, we add it to the chain being ;;; built, mark the schema we just found, and then use the new schema as the base ;;; of a chain to be recursively extended. At any point during this process, we ;;; abandon the attempt to extend the chain if we either cannot find a next schema ;;; to chain to, or if the next schema is already marked (to prevent loops)---a ;;; marked schema must, by definition, have already had its chain traversed, or to be ;;; in the process of having its chain traversed at the moment. Assuming that there ;;; are no duplicates in the root set (a big assumption at the moment!), we cannot ;;; find that the first schema we find to extend the chain is already marked, since ;;; the only way that two contextless schemas in the root set have the same next ;;; schema in the chain is if their results are identical, and we just assumed that this ;;; cannot be. Therefore, every schema in the root set that has any next schema ;;; will eventually wind up pointing at such a next schema. ;;; Currently, this is done inefficiently, in that we scan over all schemas each time ;;; we try to lengthen the chain. We could use the item-dependencies being ;;; maintained by each item, though we're still have to prune those by whether each ;;; item was positively or negatively included. If this turns out to be intolerably ;;; slow or something (or if it starts getting called on-demand, instead of just once), ;;; then this might be a reasonable optimization to include. We're also inefficient in ;;; that we don't precompute the set of relevant schemas (either those with or ;;; without contexts), which would mean O(n) fewer calls to the relevancy ;;; predicate. ;;; ;;; Another source of inefficiency is the repeated use of GET-SCHEMA (e.g., AREF) ;;; and the passing around of indices instead of actual schemas. We do this so that ;;; the relevancy predicate can nonetheless get its hands on indices, not schemas, ;;; for simulating less knowledge than is currently known (e.g., by only "noticing" ;;; schemas below a certain limit, hence only those schemas that were learned before ;;; a particular point in a run). ;;; For the moment, we use the spare slots in the schemas to hold the state info. If ;;; I wind up doing this a lot, I suppose I can add slots. Note that we could use the ;;; "marked" bit in the schema's data word to hold at least the marking status, but, ;;; since we've got two spare slots, we'll use them to make reading and writing ;;; marks faster, and to avoid possibly stepping on the toes of the schema algorithm ;;; if it's already using those in some way I haven't noticed. ;;; Note that, just because schemas are unique (in a bug-free world, anyway), this ;;; doesn't mean that a result schema can only point to one other schema. After all, ;;; many schemas might have the same context, but specify different actions, hence ;;; leading to different results. (defmacro SCHEMA-MARKED? (schema) `(schema-spare-slot-1 ,schema)) (defsubst MARK-SCHEMA (schema) (setf (schema-marked? schema) t)) (defsubst UNMARK-SCHEMA (schema) (setf (schema-marked? schema) nil)) (defmacro SCHEMA-CHAIN (schema) `(schema-spare-slot-2 ,schema)) ;;; Watch out! Some animation things might modify these without treating them as ;;; limits (e.g., without propagating anything that might depend on them). If this ;;; becomes important, I'll modify such code to be more careful, but not now. (deflimit *SCHEMA-RELEVANCY-LIMIT-LOW* 0 0) (deflimit *SCHEMA-RELEVANCY-LIMIT-HIGH* *schema-maximum* *schema-maximum*) ;;; %%% OOPS. This appears to be getting used only to generate the root set. ;;; %%% It looks like we find _all_ schemas after that, reliable or unreliable, ;;; %%% for chains. I might as well just generate the entire root set (e.g., ;;; %%% all schemas with empty contexts and nonempty results), and then ;;; %%% just prune while following a chain based on some criterion. ;;; %%% [Just made that true, by eliminating the call to this in ;;; %%% SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOT-SET.] ;;; ;;; %%% Um, the proper place to be calling this, I think, is _not_ while generating ;;; the root set, and _not_ while determining which schemas chain to which others, ;;; but instead while _following_ a chain to determine reachability. When following ;;; a chain, any schema which fails the relevancy test is just omitted. Obviously, ;;; if we've cached data about this sort of thing, we'll have to flush the cache when ;;; the relevancy criteria change, but we _don't_ have to regenerate all the chains. ;;; ;;; For speed, and because I don't want to bother passing in all the args all over ;;; the place, this is just hardcoded. Just change this function to try different ;;; relevancy criteria. (defun SCHEMA-INDEX-RELEVANT? (index) (and (<= *schema-relevancy-limit-low* index) (> *schema-relevancy-limit-high* index) ; (reliable-schema-index? index) )) (defsubst MAX-RELEVANT-SCHEMA () (min *schema-relevancy-limit-high* *schema-number*)) (defsubst MIN-RELEVANT-SCHEMA () *schema-relevancy-limit-low*) ;;; Clear all the marks and all the chains. The MARKS-ONLY arg is so we can use this ;;; for traversing all schemas, _after_ chaining (hence without clearing all the ;;; chaining data), without cycles. Dangerous! Can destroy the results of 20 ;;; minutes of computation instantly. (defun RESET-SCHEMA-CHAINING (&optional marks-only) (loop for i from 0 below *schema-number* for schema = (get-schema i) do (unmark-schema schema) (unless marks-only (setf (schema-chain schema) nil))) (values)) ;;; To make it harder for me to accidentally omit the arg when I wanted it... (defun RESET-SCHEMA-MARKS () (reset-schema-chaining t)) ;;; Returns indices, not schemas. (defun SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOT-SET () (loop for i from 0 below *schema-number* for schema = (get-schema i) when (and (schema-context-empty-p schema) (not (schema-result-empty-p schema))) collect i)) ;;; Figures out whether one schema chains to another. Vaguely like ACCESSIBLE-TEST, ;;; but that function didn't work "correctly" (in my opinion) in the face of conjuctions. ;;; To wit, (ACCESSIBLE-TEST "-vp11/eyer/(-vf21&vf34)" "vf31/eyef/(-vp10&-vp11)") ;;; (e.g., is the former reachable from the latter) returns T, whereas I think it should ;;; return NIL. ;;; ;;; %%% I wonder if I should go back to ACCESSIBLE-TEST anyway. After all, if we can ;;; reliably generate one piece of the conjunction, what's to prevent somebody from ;;; using the piece we generated? (Of course, if various things along the way want ;;; the other pieces of the conjunction set differently, well...) (defun SCHEMAS-CHAIN? (context-schema result-schema) (assert (and (not (schema-result-empty-p result-schema)) ; Paranoia. (But paranoia is usually justified...) (not (schema-context-empty-p context-schema)))) (let ((result-data (schema-data result-schema)) (context-data (schema-data context-schema))) (cond ((schema-data-result-conj-p result-data) ;; Result is a conj. Unfortunately, the context might be a conjunction, or a set of items ;; that haven't been turned into a conj yet, or a single item. (cond ((schema-data-context-conj-p context-data) ; I wonder if both forks of this mean the same thing? (equalp (get-conj (schema-result-item result-schema)) ; Could probably just compare conj indices, not contents, ... (get-conj (schema-context-item context-schema)))) ; ... except for duplicate conj's bug. (t (equalp (get-conj (schema-result-item result-schema)) (schema-context-array context-schema))))) (t ;; Result is not a conj. Make sure that the _only_ thing in the context is the result's item. (when (schema-data-context-single-p context-data) ; Must be a single item, not a set of them, or a conj. (state-eq (if (schema-data-result-negated-p result-data) (make-state-off) (make-state-on)) (state-array-get-state (schema-context-array context-schema) (schema-result-item result-schema)))))))) ;;; This might be something like #'RELIABLE-SCHEMA? instead. ;;; It should take a schema as its single argument. It'll only be called for ;;; schemas with nonempty contexts. [Note that adding this filtering only ;;; increased the runtime of FIND-NEXT-CHAINED-SCHEMA by 10%.] (defvar *DEFAULT-SCHEMA-CHAINING-FILTER* #'true) (defvar *DEFAULT-SCHEMA-CHAINING-PREDICATE* 'schemas-chain?) ; Might also be ACCESSIBLE-TEST. ;;; Actually finds the next schema in the chain. (defun FIND-NEXT-CHAINED-SCHEMA (start-from result-schema) ; E.g., not an index. (let ((filter *default-schema-chaining-filter*) ; Because special variables are slower than lexical variables: just an optimization. (predicate *default-schema-chaining-predicate*)) ; Ditto. (loop for i from start-from below *schema-number* for context-schema = (get-schema i) when (and (not (schema-context-empty-p context-schema)) (funcall filter context-schema) (funcall predicate context-schema result-schema)) do (return i)))) ;;; Marks the current schema and recursively extends the chain, if it can. While ;;; extending the chain is depth-first, we also go breadth-first in finding other ;;; schemas that might extend the chain from this schema for the case where this ;;; schema's result might chain to more than one other schema at this level (e.g., if ;;; our schema is A/FOO/B, then we'll get both B/BAR/C and B/BAZ/D, where we have ;;; two different actions leading from the same context to [same or different] ;;; results [C might or might not equal D]). (defun EXTEND-SCHEMA-CHAIN (index) (let ((schema (get-schema index))) (mark-schema schema) (loop with low = 0 for next-index = (find-next-chained-schema low schema) while next-index when next-index ; Start searching from here next time, marked or unmarked. do (setf low (1+ next-index)) ; [E.g., this plus the WHEN below will just skip over marked schemas.] ; (princ ".") ; DBG. (setf (schema-chain schema) (push next-index (schema-chain schema))) ; Add the new index to the chain from this schema. (when (not (schema-marked? (get-schema next-index))) ; Only attempt to elaborate the chain if unmarked. ; (princ "+") ; DBG. (extend-schema-chain next-index)))) ; Search recursively (depth-first) for extensions of _that_ chain. (values)) ;;; The toplevel for building all the chains. Returns the root set, from which all ;;; chains may be derived. [This took about 20 minutes to run with the 376-long ;;; root set (e.g., the old semireliable root set). Dunno how long it'll take to run ;;; with the complete ~1200 schema root set.] (defun SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOT () (reset-schema-chaining) (let* ((root-set (schema-chaining-root-set)) (length (length root-set))) (noting-progress ("Building schema chaining roots") (loop for index in root-set for counter from 1 do (note-progress counter length) (extend-schema-chain index))) (reset-schema-marks) root-set)) (defvar *PRESERVED-SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOTS* nil) ;;; This only takes about half a second to run. (defun PRESERVE-SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOTS () (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (dotimes (i *schema-number*) (let ((chain (schema-chain (get-schema i)))) (when chain (setf (gethash i table) chain)))) (push table *preserved-schema-chaining-roots*) table)) ;;; This takes about 200 ms to run. (defun RESTORE-SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOTS (&optional (table (car *preserved-schema-chaining-roots*))) (unless (hash-table-p table) ; Check first, before bashing possibly-unpreserved state. (error "Sorry, don't have a hash table to restore from (got ~S)." table)) (reset-schema-chaining) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (setf (schema-chain (get-schema key)) value)) table) (values)) ;;;; Making use of the generated set of chains. ;;; Note that ordinary depth-first is not the right way to do this, because it tends to ;;; find the longest path first. So we modify the general idea a little and use ;;; iterative deepening, which seems to work _very_ well! (It's much, much better ;;; than the A* implementation later in this file.) ;;; Produces a list of actions that follows a chain of schemas, starting from one ;;; schema and continuing until we either reach the end of the chain, or until we get ;;; to the ending schema. In the first case, we return a second value of NIL, and in ;;; the second case, T. The list is sorted backwards (e.g., the first item in the list is ;;; the goal, and the last item is the starting state), because we generate it with ;;; PUSH. ;;; ;;; This would be trivial except for the case of bifurcations, which are common. ;;; What we wind up doing is walking down the tree depth-first, marking as we go, ;;; and backtracking if we hit a mark without having hit the target yet. (defun PRECHECK-RELEVANCY (start end) (loop for i in (list start end) unless (schema-index-relevant? i) do (error "Sorry, ~D fails the relevancy test, so therefore there cannot be a chain which involves it." i))) ;;; See comment at FIND-ALL-INITIALS-FROM-FINALS. (defun DEPTH-FIRST-GENERATE-ACTION-SEQUENCE (starting-schema-index ending-schema-index &key (depth-limit most-positive-fixnum) dont-mention-reachability assume-reachability) (precheck-relevancy starting-schema-index ending-schema-index) ; Bitch even if ASSUME-REACHABILITY is true. Policy decision. (precheck-reachability starting-schema-index ending-schema-index dont-mention-reachability assume-reachability) (reset-schema-marks) (depth-first-generate-action-sequence-1 starting-schema-index ending-schema-index nil depth-limit)) ;;; See comment at FIND-ALL-INITIALS-FROM-FINALS. (defun DEPTH-FIRST-GENERATE-ACTION-SEQUENCE-1 (start end indices-so-far depth-limit) (cond ((eql start end) (values (push end indices-so-far) t)) (t (when (< (length indices-so-far) depth-limit) ; $OPT: This would be faster to compute if we tracked the length along with the result... (let* ((schema (get-schema start)) ; ... or if we just decremented DEPTH-LIMIT for each recursive call. (next-list (schema-chain schema))) (cond ((schema-marked? schema) ; If the current schema is marked, but wasn't the target, this branch fails. (pop indices-so-far) (values indices-so-far nil)) (t (mark-schema schema) (push start indices-so-far) (loop for next in next-list when (schema-index-relevant? next) ; Make sure this is within the schemas we're allowed to remember (lobotomy simulator). do (multiple-value-bind (actions success?) (depth-first-generate-action-sequence-1 next end indices-so-far depth-limit) (when success? (return-from depth-first-generate-action-sequence-1 (values actions t))))) (pop indices-so-far) (values indices-so-far nil)))))))) ;;; See comment at FIND-ALL-INITIALS-FROM-FINALS. (defun ITERATIVE-DEPTH-FIRST-GENERATE-ACTION-SEQUENCE (start end &key (depth-limit most-positive-fixnum) (dont-mention-reachability t) assume-reachability) (precheck-relevancy start end) ; Bitch even if ASSUME-REACHABILITY is true. Policy decision. (precheck-reachability start end dont-mention-reachability assume-reachability) ; Check just once, not every time through the loop. (loop for depth from 0 below depth-limit do ;; (format t "~&Depth ~D~&" depth) ; DBG. (multiple-value-bind (results success?) (depth-first-generate-action-sequence start end :depth-limit depth :assume-reachability t) ; We've already checked above. (when success? (return-from iterative-depth-first-generate-action-sequence results))))) ;;; A debugging function. NOTE! This won't return useful results unless you've run ;;; RECONSTRUCT-SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOT-AND-REACHABILITY-CACHES first! (Or at ;;; least SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOT!) (defun CHECK-ITERATIVE-DEPTH-FIRST-FOR-SCHEMAS (source &optional (target-range-start 0) (target-range-limit *schema-number*)) (loop for i from target-range-start below target-range-limit when (schema-reachable? source i) do (format t "~&~4D: " i) ; Done as two separate calls, so I can see where it is if it pauses or loops. (let* ((start-time (get-universal-time)) ; Bindings must be done sequentially for this to be meaningful. (result (iterative-depth-first-generate-action-sequence source i :assume-reachability t))) ; By definition, we know that anything we ask it about will be reachable. (format t "[~3D] ~S~&" (- (get-universal-time) start-time) result))) (values)) ;;; Also a debugging function. Letting this run to completion is the wrong idea. (defun CHECK-ITERATIVE-DEPTH-FIRST-FOR-ALL-SCHEMAS (&optional (source-range-start 0) (source-range-limit *schema-number*) (target-range-start 0) (target-range-limit *schema-number*)) (loop for i from source-range-start below source-range-limit do (check-iterative-depth-first-for-schemas i target-range-start target-range-limit)) (values)) ;;;; A* search stuff. Stolen from _The Art of AI_, around page 210 or so. ;;; Note that this stuff, while theoretically working (and upon which I wasted quite a ;;; bit of time determining that it was robust in the face of loops, etc, before trying ;;; the obvious tests [in CHAINING-DEBUGGING.LISP] that show that it is), is too slow. ;;; Because we don't have a heuristic function available to guide the search, it takes ;;; minutes to an hour or more to search the space, and conses tens of megawords ;;; of intermediate trash (in the form of PATH structures and lists of them). It's left ;;; here in case I need an A* search elsewhere, and because little stubs and other ;;; glue logic written to support this is useful elsewhere in this file. ;;;; +++ The basic A* stuff. (defstruct (PATH (:PRINT-FUNCTION PRINT-PATH)) state (previous nil) (cost-so-far 0) (total-cost 0)) (defun PRINT-PATH (path &optional (stream t) depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (format stream "#" (path-state path) (path-total-cost path))) (defun INDICES->SCHEMA-NAMES (indices) (mapcar #'(lambda (index) (schema-print-name (get-schema index))) indices)) (defun INDICES->SCHEMA-RELIABILITY-RANGES (indices) (mapcar #'(lambda (index) (let ((schema (get-schema index))) (if (reliable-schema? schema) :r :u))) indices)) (defun FIND-PATH (state paths state=) (find state paths :key #'path-state :test state=)) (defun BETTER-PATH (path1 path2) (< (path-total-cost path1) (path-total-cost path2))) (defun INSERT-PATH (path paths) (merge 'list (list path) paths #'< :key #'path-total-cost)) (defun PATH-STATES (path) (when path (cons (path-state path) (path-states (path-previous path))))) ;;; Note that this won't infinite-loop, even on a cyclic graph. (defun A*-SEARCH (paths goal-p successors cost-fn cost-left-fn &optional (state= #'eql) old-paths) (cond ((null paths) nil) ; Just return NIL (e.g., no path). ((funcall goal-p (path-state (first paths))) (values (first paths) paths)) (t (let* ((path (pop paths)) (state (path-state path))) ;; Update PATHS and OLD-PATHS to reflect the new successors of STATE. (setf old-paths (insert-path path old-paths)) (dolist (state2 (funcall successors state)) (let* ((cost (+ (path-cost-so-far path) (funcall cost-fn state state2))) (cost2 (funcall cost-left-fn state2)) (path2 (make-path :state state2 :previous path :cost-so-far cost :total-cost (+ cost cost2))) (old)) ;; Place the new path, PATH2, in the right list. (cond ((setf old (find-path state2 paths state=)) (when (better-path path2 old) (setf paths (insert-path path2 (delete old paths))))) ((setf old (find-path state2 old-paths state=)) (when (better-path path2 old) (setf paths (insert-path path2 paths)) (setf old-paths (delete old old-paths)))) (t (setf paths (insert-path path2 paths)))))) ;; Finally, call A* again with the updated path lists. (a*-search paths goal-p successors cost-fn cost-left-fn state= old-paths))))) ;;;; +++ Using the A* stuff to search with. ;;; This just returns 1, so path costs are strictly related to their lengths. ;;; It could be replaced in the future by something that, for instance, said ;;; that a path involving moving the eye was less costly than a path involving ;;; moving the hand, to specify a policy for which way we're like some goal ;;; to be achieved (e.g., would we like to move the hand to the fovea, or move ;;; the fovea to the hand?). (defun A*-PATH-LENGTH-COST-FUNCTION (&rest ignore) ignore ; Ignored. (Stupid Harlequin compiler...) [&&& Note that this will cons to make IGNORE anyway!] 1) ;;; For the moment, this just returns 0 all the time, which amounts to disabling ;;; any heuristics on which paths might be shorter (e.g., we can't hillclimb in ;;; schema space). This might be replaced in the future by something that ;;; attempted to implement either policy or hints about how to proceed. (defun A*-HEURISTIC-EVALUATOR (&rest ignore) ; $OPT: Can I make this a subst? ignore ; Ignored. (Stupid Harlequin compiler...) [&&& Note that this will cons to make IGNORE anyway!] 0) (defun A*-SCHEMA-SUCCESSORS (index) ; $OPT: Can I make this a subst? (schema-chain (get-schema index))) (defun IS (value) ; $OPT: Can I make this a subst? #'(lambda (x) (eql x value))) (defun PRECHECK-REACHABILITY (start end dont-mention-reachability assume-reachability) (unless assume-reachability ; Don't waste eons searching for a path that isn't there. (unless (schema-reachable? start end) (error "Sorry, schema ~D [~A] isn't reachable from ~D [~A]." end (schema-print-name (get-schema end)) start (schema-print-name (get-schema start)))) (unless dont-mention-reachability (format t "~&Reachable. Searching paths...~&")))) (defun A*-GENERATE-ACTION-SEQUENCE (start end &optional ; Indices. dont-mention-reachability assume-reachability) (precheck-relevancy start end) ; Bitch even if ASSUME-REACHABILITY is true. Policy decision. (precheck-reachability start end dont-mention-reachability assume-reachability) (path-states (a*-search (list (make-path :state start)) (is end) #'a*-schema-successors #'a*-path-length-cost-function #'a*-heuristic-evaluator))) ;;;; Discovering islands of competency, kinda. ;;; +++ This is defined here so it can be saved, restored, and cleared with the other ;;; +++ stuff on this page, but it's not actually used until CHAINING-TO-GOALS.LISP. (defvar *CACHED-INITIALS-TO-FINALS* (make-hash-table)) ;;; --- (defun MARK-REACHABLE-SCHEMAS-1 (start) (let ((schema (get-schema start))) (unless (schema-marked? schema) (mark-schema schema) (loop for next in (schema-chain schema) when (schema-index-relevant? next) do (mark-reachable-schemas-1 next))))) (defun ALL-MARKED-SCHEMA-INDICES () (loop for i from 0 below *schema-number* when (schema-marked? (get-schema i)) collect i)) (defun REACHABLE-SCHEMAS-INTERNAL (start) (reset-schema-marks) (mark-reachable-schemas-1 start)) (defun REACHABLE-SCHEMAS (start) (reachable-schemas-internal start) (all-marked-schema-indices)) (defvar *CACHED-REACHABLE-SCHEMAS* (make-hash-table)) ;;; For ensuring that the cache matches reality. We might still have changed the relevancy ;;; function by recompiling it to check something else, but this way at least changing its ;;; variable limits will warn us if it invalidates the cache. (defvar *LAST-SCHEMA-RELEVANCY-LIMIT-LOW* *schema-relevancy-limit-low*) (defvar *LAST-SCHEMA-RELEVANCY-LIMIT-HIGH* *schema-relevancy-limit-high*) ;;; Dangerous! Flushes the cache. Warns unless DONT-WARN set. (defun RESET-CACHE-RELEVANCY (dont-warn) (when (or dont-warn (not (preserved-caches-bash-query))) ; Don't worry about the roots, since we're not touching them. (flush-reachability-cache t) (setf *last-schema-relevancy-limit-low* *schema-relevancy-limit-low*) (setf *last-schema-relevancy-limit-high* *schema-relevancy-limit-high*)) (values)) (defun CACHED-REACHABLE-SCHEMAS (start) (unless (and (= *last-schema-relevancy-limit-low* *schema-relevancy-limit-low*) (= *last-schema-relevancy-limit-high* *schema-relevancy-limit-high*)) (error "Relevancy limits changed since the cache was built. Reset them & toss the cache.")) (or (gethash start *cached-reachable-schemas*) (setf (gethash start *cached-reachable-schemas*) (reachable-schemas start)))) ;;; This is a reasonable thing to run to preserve the cache when changing ;;; reachability criteria. Note that it copies only the toplevel table structure, and ;;; not the individual lists. That's sufficient to recreate the table if it's cleared, ;;; assuming that nobody's still got their hands on one of the individual lists and ;;; starts modifying it (though no current code does this). (defun COPY-CHAINING-CACHE (cache) (let ((new (make-hash-table))) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (setf (gethash key new) value)) cache) new)) (defvar *SAVED-REACHABILITY-CACHES* nil) (defvar *SAVED-INITIAL-FINAL-CACHES* nil) (defun PRESERVE-REACHABILITY-CACHE () (push (copy-chaining-cache *cached-reachable-schemas*) *saved-reachability-caches*) (push (copy-chaining-cache *cached-initials-to-finals*) *saved-initial-final-caches*)) ;;; This is required if I change my idea of what validly constitutes a search path. If I ;;; didn't flush the cache, then the reachability checks that make sure we can get ;;; anywhere before wasting time looking for a short route would malfunction. See ;;; the comments at COUNT-CACHED-REACHABLE-SCHEMAS-FROM-ROOT-SET for timing, ;;; but it's about 12 minutes at least to regenerate it. (defun FLUSH-REACHABILITY-CACHE (&optional dont-save) (unless dont-save (preserve-reachability-cache)) (clrhash *cached-reachable-schemas*) (clrhash *cached-initials-to-finals*)) (defun PRESERVE-ROOTS-AND-CACHES () (preserve-schema-chaining-roots) (preserve-reachability-cache) (values)) ;;; Dangerous! Doesn't query, just smashes them. Useful if you know the data is ;;; already preserved (say, because we just booted & read it in) and are swapping ;;; datasets. (defun FLUSH-ROOTS-AND-CACHES () (flush-reachability-cache t) (reset-schema-chaining) (values)) ;;; This gets called from CLEAR-ALL-NONMETERS-PRE-MICROWORLD-INIT. (def-microworld-independent-init PRESERVE-THEN-FLUSH-ROOTS-AND-CACHES () ;; If even the first element of *SCHEMA-ARRAY* doesn't have a schema in it yet, ;; then this is the first time we've been called since cold-boot. In that case, not ;; only can we confidently say that we don't have any caches (hence we ;; shouldn't try to preserve them, which would only result in shoving some NILs ;; on our preservation lists), but said preservation will actually malfunction ;; (because, e.g., PRESERVE-SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOTS will try to find the CHAIN of ;; NIL, etc). (when (aref *schema-array* 0) (preserve-roots-and-caches) (flush-roots-and-caches))) (defun SHOW-PRESERVED-ROOTS-AND-CACHES () (format t "~&~S -> ~S~&~S -> ~S~&~S -> ~S~&" '*preserved-schema-chaining-roots* *preserved-schema-chaining-roots* '*saved-reachability-caches* *saved-reachability-caches* '*saved-initial-final-caches* *saved-initial-final-caches*) (values)) (defun PRESERVED-CACHES-BASH-QUERY () (let ((reachable (when (and (hash-table-p *cached-reachable-schemas*) (not (zerop (hash-table-count *cached-reachable-schemas*)))) (format t "~&~S appears to already have data in it.~&" '*cached-reachable-schemas*) t)) (initial-final (when (and (hash-table-p *cached-initials-to-finals*) (not (zerop (hash-table-count *cached-initials-to-finals*)))) (format t "~&~S appears to already have data in it.~&" '*cached-initials-to-finals*) t))) (or reachable initial-final))) (defun PRESERVED-ROOTS-BASH-QUERY () (let ((count (count-if #'(lambda (schema) ; Unfortunately, even FLET with an inline declaration doesn't result in this being inlined, so the hell with it. (schema-chain schema)) ; Alas, SCHEMA-CHAIN was built with DEFMACRO and isn't a function. *schema-array* :end *schema-number*))) (unless (zerop count) (format t "~&The schemas already have ~D chain~:P in them.~&" count) t))) ;;; Returns T if continuing would bash state. (defun PRESERVED-ROOTS-AND-CACHES-BASH-QUERY () (when (or (preserved-caches-bash-query) (preserved-roots-bash-query)) (format t "~&Clear the appropriate data, possibly saving it first, and try again.~&") t)) ;;; Puts stuff back in place from the data we read. If BASH-QUERY is non-NIL, and it ;;; looks like we'll be bashing existing data, punts and lets us save it in some other ;;; way first. Since this'll change the index into the list (albeit in a predictable ;;; way), we just punt, instead of doing it all. Note that this only takes about 200 ms, ;;; if everything's paged in already. (defun SELECT-PRESERVED-ROOTS-AND-CACHES (n &optional (bash-query t)) (assert (and (numberp n) (not (minusp n)) (< n (length *preserved-schema-chaining-roots*)) (= (length *preserved-schema-chaining-roots*) (length *saved-reachability-caches*)))) (unless (and bash-query (preserved-roots-and-caches-bash-query)) (setf *cached-reachable-schemas* (nth n *saved-reachability-caches*)) (setf *cached-initials-to-finals* (nth n *saved-initial-final-caches*)) (restore-schema-chaining-roots (nth n *preserved-schema-chaining-roots*))) (values)) ;;; This took about 18 minutes (with a bad guess [e.g., only 3000 blocks] for the amount of ;;; FEP preallocation to do), no consing, and 8033 FEP blocks! Saved data looked like this: ;;; *preserved-schema-chaining-roots* -> (# #
) ;;; *saved-reachability-caches* -> (#
) (defun WRITE-ROOTS-AND-CACHES (&key (and-current t) ; E.g., snapshot the current ones before saving. (pathname "FEP1:>Snap>roots-and-caches.ibin")) (when and-current (preserve-roots-and-caches)) ;; There are probably lots of shared lists here, but during the dump is NOT the ;; time I want to compute this! Furthermore, then I won't be able to change them ;; after reloading (e.g., we'll have seriously changed the semantics if a reload ;; intervenes). (dump-variables-preallocating (* 640 8000) pathname *preserved-schema-chaining-roots* *saved-reachability-caches* *saved-initial-final-caches*)) ; Dumps before Schema 12.54, 10 Apr 94, won't have this one. ;;; This is a toplevel of sorts; use it when changing the criteria by which schemas ;;; may chain (e.g., chains of all schemas vs chains of only reliable schemas, etc). (defun RECONSTRUCT-SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOT-AND-REACHABILITY-CACHES () (format t "~&Reconstructing roots...~&") (preserve-schema-chaining-roots) (schema-chaining-root) (format t "~&Reconstructing reachability cache...~&") (flush-reachability-cache) (count-cached-reachable-schemas-from-root-set) (values)) ;;; [This took about 37 minutes for #'RELIABLE-SCHEMA, for the full ~1200 schema ;;; root set, and including probably 10-15 minutes of arrest for (slow! optical!) GC.] (defun RECONSTRUCT-SCHEMA-CHAINING-ROOT-AND-REACHABILITY-CACHES-FOR-FILTER (filter) (let ((*default-schema-chaining-filter* filter)) (reconstruct-schema-chaining-root-and-reachability-caches))) ;;; Surely this would be better placed in some other file? (defun NAME->SCHEMA (name) (find name *schema-array* :test #'(lambda (name schema) (string-equal name (schema-print-name schema))))) ;;; Surely this would be better placed in some other file? (defun NAME->SCHEMA-POSITION (name) (position name *schema-array* :test #'(lambda (name schema) (string-equal name (schema-print-name schema))))) ;;; Synonym for above, since I can never remember it. (defsubst SCHEMA-NAME->INDEX (name) (name->schema-position name)) (defun NAME->REACHABLE-SCHEMAS (name &optional verbose) (let ((index (name->schema-position name))) (assert (not (null index))) (when verbose (format t "~&Chaining from schema index ~D...~&" index)) (cached-reachable-schemas index))) (defun SCHEMA-REACHABLE? (start end) (find end (cached-reachable-schemas start))) ;;; E.g., (schema-substrings-reachable-from 2599 "hp")). ;;; But we want it the other way around... (defun SCHEMA-SUBSTRINGS-REACHABLE-FROM-INDEX (start substring) (loop for i from 0 below *schema-number* for name = (schema-print-name (get-schema i)) when (and (search substring name) (schema-reachable? start i)) collect i)) (defun SCHEMA-INDEX-REACHABLE-FROM-SUBSTRINGS (start substring) (loop for i from 0 below *schema-number* for name = (schema-print-name (get-schema i)) when (and (search substring name) (schema-reachable? i start)) ; This is the changed line. collect i)) (defun COUNT-SCHEMAS-REACHABLE-FROM-SUBSTRING (substring &optional (range-low 0) (range-limit *schema-number*)) (let ((results nil)) (loop for i from range-low below range-limit for name = (schema-print-name (get-schema i)) when (search substring name) do (let ((count (length (cached-reachable-schemas i)))) (format t "~&~D [~A] reaches ~D other~:P.~&" i name count) (push (list i count) results))) results)) ;;; Shows that A* can find paths, albeit quite slowly (2-50 minutes!), ;;; and with lots of consing. (defun CHECK-A*-FOR-SCHEMAS (source &optional (target-range-start 0) (target-range-limit *schema-number*)) (loop for i from target-range-start below target-range-limit when (schema-reachable? source i) do (format t "~&~4D: " i) ; Done as two separate calls, so I can see where it is if it pauses or loops. (let* ((start-time (get-universal-time)) ; Bindings must be done sequentially for this to be meaningful. (result (a*-generate-action-sequence source i))) (format t "[~3D] ~S~&" (- (get-universal-time) start-time) result))) (values)) ;;; This version caches the intermediate lists, meaning that it conses a fair amount. ;;; Useful if we're going to then compare the islands, but not if we just want a count. ;;; [This took about 12 minutes to run on a root set of 376 schemas (the old semireliable ;;; root set). I dunno how long it would take on the ~1200 schema complete root set.] (defun COUNT-CACHED-REACHABLE-SCHEMAS-FROM-ROOT-SET (&optional (root-set (schema-chaining-root-set))) (loop for root in root-set for reachable = (cached-reachable-schemas root) do (format t "~&~4D: ~D~&" root (length reachable))) (values)) ;;; This turns out not to work so well: Every sequence starts with the individual root, ;;; so they're all different. (defun PARTITION-CACHED-REACHABLE-SCHEMAS () (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) ; E.g., 15 and a long list. (multiple-value-bind (found-value found?) (gethash value table) ; Look up the long list in our new table. (setf (gethash value table) (if found? (push key found-value) (list key))))) *cached-reachable-schemas*) table)) ;;; This one ignores the leading piece of the sequence. It's better, but only by about 50% or so. ;;; (Still many, many overlapped sequences, of course.) (defun PARTITION-CACHED-REACHABLE-SCHEMAS-1 () (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (maphash #'(lambda (key whole-value) ; E.g., 15 and a long list. (let ((value (cdr whole-value))) ; Punt first step. (multiple-value-bind (found-value found?) (gethash value table) ; Look up the long list in our new table. (setf (gethash value table) (if found? (push key found-value) (list key)))))) *cached-reachable-schemas*) table)) ;;; This version doesn't actually generate any lists. Doesn't cons, and runs ;;; faster than the list version, unless the cache has already been generated. ;;; [We do, however, return a list of the resulting statistics, for later use.] (defun COUNT-REACHABLE-SCHEMAS-FROM-ROOT-SET (&optional (root-set (schema-chaining-root-set))) (let ((results nil)) (loop for root in root-set do (reachable-schemas-internal root) (let ((count (count-marked-schemas))) (format t "~&~4D: ~D~&" root count) (push (list root count) results))) results)) (defvar *REACHABILITY-RESULTS* nil) (defun SUMMARIZE-REACHABILITY-RESULTS () (setf *reachability-results* (or *reachability-results* (count-reachable-schemas-from-root-set))) (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (loop for (root count) in *reachability-results* do (multiple-value-bind (value found?) (gethash count table) (setf (gethash count table) (if found? (push root value) (list root))))) table)) ;;; +++ Debuggery (kinda like a progress report, for things that do their work ;;; +++ by marking schemas, but do it slowly.) ;;; You could get the same effect by doing (LENGTH (ALL-MARKED-SCHEMA-INDICES)), ;;; but this one won't cons. It also runs about three times faster. (defun COUNT-MARKED-SCHEMAS () (flet ((marked? (s) (schema-marked? s))) ; SCHEMA-MARKED is a macro (so I can use SETF on it), not a subst. (count-if #'marked? *schema-array* :end *schema-number*))) (defun PERIODICALLY-COUNT-MARKED-SCHEMAS (&optional (period 2)) ; Seconds. (terpri) (loop doing (format t "~D " (count-marked-schemas)) (sleep period))) ;;;; Automatically generating roots and (maybe?) caches at various stages of knowledge. (defparameter *NUMBER-OF-KNOWLEDGE-STEPS* 10) ; How many different levels of knowledge. (defparameter *KNOWLEDGE-STEPS-INCLUDE-ALL* t) ; We may already have statistics from the largest run seen, so allow not including it. (defun SCHEMA-NUMBERS-FROM-STEPS (&key (steps *number-of-knowledge-steps*) (include-all *knowledge-steps-include-all*) (low 0) (high *schema-number*)) (let* ((range-size (- high low)) (chunk (/ range-size steps)) (steps (loop for multiplier from 1 to steps collect (+ low (floor (* multiplier chunk)))))) (if (and include-all (/= high *schema-number*)) (append steps (list *schema-number*)) steps))) ;;; OOPS. Right, there's no sense recomputing the chain; we just want to notice it ;;; when searching. So this is unnecessary. ;;; ;;; You'd better destroy and/or save any info before you run this. ; (defun GENERATE-ROOTS-FROM-STEPS () ; (preserved-roots-and-caches-bash-query) ; Don't allow destroying data. ; (loop for fake-schema-number in (schema-numbers-from-steps) ; do (let ((*schema-relevancy-limit-high* fake-schema-number)) ; (schema-chaining-root) ; (format t "~&Computing for a fake *SCHEMA-NUMBER* of ~D...~&" fake-schema-number) ; DBG. ; (reset-cache-relevancy t) ; Reset the cache, even if I don't do the COUNT- below, in case somebody else starts asking about reachability. ; ; (count-cached-reachable-schemas-from-root-set) ; I dunno if I need this except when we're actually hunting for a chain... ; (preserve-roots-and-caches) ; )) ; (reset-cache-relevancy t) ; Do it again here, just so I don't screw up later. ; (values)) (defmacro WITH-RELEVANCY-CACHE-INVALIDATED (&body body) `(unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (reset-cache-relevancy t))) (defun INDEX->SCHEMA-NAME (index) (schema-print-name (get-schema index))) ;;; We push on tuples of (start end fake-schema-number path). (defvar *LOBOTOMY-RESULTS* nil) ; For later analysis. (defun FIND-PATHS-WITH-LOBOTOMIES (start end ; Schema indices. &key (steps *number-of-knowledge-steps*) (include-all *knowledge-steps-include-all*) (low 0) (high *schema-number*) only-successes ignore-shortest-path show-shortest-if-others ; Only if IGNORE-SHORTEST-PATH non-NIL. dont-save-results) (cond ((not (schema-reachable? start end)) ; Make sure it's reachable in the first place. (format t "~&~D [~A] isn't reachable from ~D [~A] even with all schemas.~&" start (index->schema-name start) end (index->schema-name end))) (t (let* ((all-steps (schema-numbers-from-steps :steps steps :include-all include-all :low low :high high)) (undamaged-path (iterative-depth-first-generate-action-sequence start end)) (max-index-in-path (maximize undamaged-path)) (pruned-steps (if ignore-shortest-path (loop for step in all-steps when (< step max-index-in-path) collect step))) (showed-a-path nil)) (format t "(Max in shortest ~D [~A], length ~D) " max-index-in-path (index->schema-name max-index-in-path) (length undamaged-path)) (with-relevancy-cache-invalidated (loop for fake-schema-number in pruned-steps do (let ((*schema-relevancy-limit-high* fake-schema-number)) (reset-cache-relevancy t) (cond ((or (> start fake-schema-number) (> end fake-schema-number)) (unless only-successes (format t "~&Skipping step at ~D; at least one chain end is already higher.~&" fake-schema-number))) (t (cond ((schema-reachable? start end) (let ((path (iterative-depth-first-generate-action-sequence start end))) (format t "~&Fake *SCHEMA-NUMBER* = ~D: [Length ~D] ~S" fake-schema-number (length path) path) (unless dont-save-results (push (list start end fake-schema-number path) *lobotomy-results*)) (setf showed-a-path t))) (t (unless only-successes (format t "~&Fake *SCHEMA-NUMBER* = ~D: Unreachable.~&" fake-schema-number)))))))) (when (and ignore-shortest-path showed-a-path show-shortest-if-others) (unless dont-save-results (push (list start end max-index-in-path undamaged-path) *lobotomy-results*)) (format t "~&Fake *SCHEMA-NUMBER* = ~D: [Length ~D (shortest)] ~S" max-index-in-path (length undamaged-path) undamaged-path)))))) (values)) ;;; It's tempting to find the path with all schemas, then only search with the fake ;;; limit set above the max of the path or something. But this is erroneous: the ;;; schema might be reachable through a longer path involving lower schemas. ;;; ;;; Note that, in the absence of CONTEXT-EQUAL, we just compare contexts by the ;;; pnames (ignoring syn-items etc). This is cheesy, but sufficient for the moment. (defun FIND-ALL-PATHS-WITH-LOBOTOMIES (start ; Schema index. &key (steps *number-of-knowledge-steps*) (only-successes t) (prune-identical-contexts t)) (format t "~&Starting from ~D [~A].~&" start (index->schema-name start)) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'string-equal))) (let ((ends (cached-reachable-schemas start))) (loop for end in ends when (or (not prune-identical-contexts) (let ((context (subseq (index->schema-name end) 0 (search "/" (index->schema-name end))))) (multiple-value-bind (value found?) (gethash context table) value ; Ignored. (unless found? (setf (gethash context table) t)) (not found?)))) do (format t "~&->->->Trying to reach ~D [~A]:~45T" end (index->schema-name end)) (find-paths-with-lobotomies start end :steps steps :include-all nil ; By definition, we're only looking at schemas that we can reach with an undamaged brain. :only-successes only-successes :ignore-shortest-path t )))) (values)) ;;; End of file.